How To Clean Your Rattan Garden Furniture Cushions

At Chimes Home and Garden, we supply plenty of rattan garden furniture for your home. They are a durable accessory because they require minimal maintenance alongside a beautiful aesthetic. Your rattan furniture comes with cushions as standard, providing warmth and comfort. Placing rattan furniture outside is a common accessory because it complements dining sets and bar sets. Of course, with the unpredictable British weather, this could also mean they get dirty easily. In this article, we will give you methods to clean them. Read on to find out some helpful tips.

For A Basic Clean, Use a Mild Detergent 

If you want a quick and easy clean of your garden furniture cushions, using a mild detergent should help you. When you see the cushions are dirty or have a mud stain, remove them from the cover and put them in the washing machine. Spray the detergent on the cushion and finish off with soapy water. When doing this, it is essential not to wash the inner foam material as this can cause a build up of mould and mildew. 


Press two towels into the cushion and wipe it off with a soft wet cloth, which gets rid of any moisture. Air it in the sunshine or in the airing cupboard in wet weather.

how to restore your garden furniture

For Heavy Duty Cleans

The dirt could be ingrained in the cushion, which could result in a deeper clean. With this in mind, we have the perfect solution. To do this, soak the cushions in deep water, washing up liquid and Vanish Oxi Action. Once this is created, pour it into a spray bottle and apply generously to the spots of dirt.


Let this soak for around 15 to 35 minutes and re-spray regularly to keep it moist. Once the dirt has soaked away, dry it in the airing cupboard or the sun, and it will look as good as new.

Use an Outdoor Fabric Protector to Cover It 

The wet weather can cause permanent damage to your sofa if not cleaned properly. An outdoor protector ensures a protective barrier to your design. These covers are easy to purchase and can also be stored away to protect it even more while ensuring the cushions are easy to clean in the future. 

Use a Garden Hose

A garden hose is for more than just watering the garden. If you have waterproof cushions, you can gently soak them with a medium spray or light mist from your garden hose to keep them clean. It's quick and easy to do. For a more thorough clean, you could use a cleaning solution to scrub your cushions first, before thoroughly washing them away with a medium pressure spray. Be sure to give them a chance to dry thoroughly by squeezing out any excess water. Standing them vertically and letting them air-dry in the sun is the best way to do this, so pick a warm day to clean your garden cushions!

Use Vinegar to Clean Your Cushions

Another way of cleaning your cushions is by using white vinegar to remove stains. It is useful on outdoor covers that can’t be removed. 


Mix ½ a cup of water, vinegar, and dish soap into a bottle. Next, apply a soft brush to the cushions, scrubbing well on all sides. 


After this, use a sponge to rinse the water after the mixture is set into place. The water won’t seep into the cushions, causing dampness in the long term. If your covers are weatherproof, they will handle the toughest conditions. After this, the cushions will dry out in the sun.

Other Methods to Protect Garden Cushions 

There are other methods that you can use to remove dirt from your garden cushions. For example, use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust.

During the summer months, you might find yourself having more barbecues. Ketchup stains can fall onto your cushions, so there is an easy way to clean them. An easy way of cleaning them is by using cornflour or salt, then rinsing it off with your garden hose. 

Before storing the cushions away, it is best to clean them thoroughly to keep them in immaculate condition. 

Get New Cushions With Chimes Today

If you are struggling to clean your garden furniture, get new ones from Chimes today. Visit our online shop today to look at our affordable options!


Our showroom also has rattan garden furniture in abundance. Give us a visit and our friendly team will be on hand to assist you.