Why Should You Consider Sunbrella Fabric For Your Home?

At Chimes Home and Garden, we sell a wide variety of Sunbrella fabrics for your home and garden furniture. Sunbrella fabrics give you plenty of protection and comfort in your home, resulting in an easier space to relax. For homeowners who aren't sure what Sunbrella fabric offers, we will give you many benefits and helpful tips that ensure why this is an ideal choice for you.

Sunbrella is a Comfortable Fabric 

When you choose a Sunbrella fabric for your home, one of the things you’ll notice is how comfortable it feels. This is done by weaving in extra fabrics which are soft, bringing them together with the durability of everyday living. 


All Sunbrella designs feature added breathers, which help cocoon you in extra comfort and warmth. This is ideal on cold winter nights when the temperature drops.  


Sunbrella fabrics are available with surface textures that will bring out the ideal softness needed for extra comfort. The yarns have durability woven into every fibre, so anyone who sits on this fabric will feel at ease. 


Sunbrella Fabrics Offer Exceptional Durability 


The Sunbrella fabrics are designed to give homeowners exceptional durability because they are resistant to the worst weather conditions. Whether it is wind or rain, we’ll ensure that you stay protected for longer. 


The fabrics are saturated with UV-resistant colours, which means they won’t be affected by sunlight or discolouration. What’s more, the distinctive manufacturing process will make sure that the fabrics are mould resistant. Perfect for tough weather conditions, as it is less likely to rust. 


At Chimes Home and Garden, we ensure that even if our Sunbrella fabrics get rained on, they will dry very quickly. Instead of soaking into the furniture, any liquid will roll straight off, reducing the need for extra maintenance. Coupled with this, the designs are easily washable. All it needs is a damp cloth with lukewarm and soapy water, so it will look immaculate for many years to come. 

Choose From A Selection of Beautiful Colours and Designs 

When you choose a Sunbrela fabric, take advantage of our exceptional range of colours and designs, which are suitable for any home. If you want a modern design or sleek aesthetic, we have something that’s right for you. The designs include single colour weaves and complex jacquards.  


The fabrics are created using Sunbrella’s Colour to the Core Technology, which ensures that every foundational fibre is saturated with UV stabilised pigments. Then, the fabric is woven into the long lasting performance fabric, giving you a durable finish.  


What’s more, the fabric is designed for a large selection of furniture ranges. Whether it is a modular set or a dining lounge, we have a design that is right for everyone. The Sunbrella Fabric design caters to every aspect of your home. 


Sunbrella has a unique colour retention design process which helps retain your furniture's beautiful look. As a result, it will protect you against exposure to the elements, and ensure the furniture won’t get damaged by direct sunlight.




Sunbrella Is Eco Friendly 

When you choose Sunbrella for your home, you will get a build that is eco friendly for your home. This is thanks to the high quality and raw materials that are used in the manufacturing process that is used in production. 


The colour saturation process is taken by using an innovative technique which reduces water and consumption. Sunbrella cushions have a long lifespan, lasting for around 10 years. As a result, you can enjoy your fabrics without worrying about any discolouration or decay. 


Sunbrella Offers Exceptional Versatility 

Another advantage of Sunbrella fabric is that it offers exceptional versatility to your furniture. Whether it’s the patio or living room, there is a fabric that gives you plenty of comfort for years. 


Sunbrella furniture has a long lifespan, making sure it is engineered to last for years. It is weather and abrasion resistant, staying durable and cleaner. 

Choose Sunbrella For Your Home Today 

When you are ready to design your Sunbrella fabric, get in touch with the friendly team at Chimes Home and Garden today. We offer a wealth of knowledge and experience that will help you make the right decision.


If you want to get in touch with us today, give us a call on 01268 219969 today or fill out our online contact form. Ask us any questions and we will help answer them straight away.